We rely on generous one-time and ongoing monthly contributions to preserve the wild places and happy spaces that make the Wood River Valley so special. Join us in preserving this beautiful valley for generations to come.
Avoid using special characters (e.g., commas, periods) in address fields. For example, enter addresses as "123 Main Street Apt 4" or "PO Box 123" without punctuation. Thank you!
If donating by check or from an IRA, mail your check to:
119 E Bullion St., Hailey, ID 83333.
Other Ways To Give
At the Wood River Land Trust, every contribution helps us preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of our beloved valley. Whether you’re looking to make a one-time donation, set up a recurring gift, or explore other ways to support our mission, your generosity plays a crucial role in our efforts. We offer a variety of giving options to suit your preferences and ensure that your support has the greatest impact. Explore the different ways you can contribute and find the one that best aligns with your goals for making a difference.
Stock Giving

Gifts of appreciated securities are simple to make, can have an immediate impact on nature and may also provide you with significant tax benefits. A gift of securities is fully tax deductible at its market value at the time of your contribution.
Contact your stockbroker. Your stockbroker can make a direct electronic transfer of your stock certificates to the account of the WRLT with the following information:
DTC #0062
For the Benefit Of: Wood River Land Trust Company
Brokerage Account Number: 17790967
Please provide Donor name and cost basis.
Give your stockbroker Wood River Land Trust’s taxpayer identification number: 82-0474191
Please provide WRLT with the name of the security, the number of shares to be donated, and the name and phone number of your stock broker.
Notify the Land Trust of the transfer so that we can properly credit you as your name will not be with the wire of securities by calling (208)788-3947 or via email at philanthropy@woodriverlandtrust.org
Planned Giving

Create a lasting legacy with the Wood River Land Trust by making a planned gift for the future of our valley. You may find your connection to the Valley through fond family memories, a hiking trail, a fishing spot or iconic views of the mountains. By giving to the Wood River Land Trust, you make a difference in protecting the Valley - its land and river and special character.
Making a planned gift through your will, insurance beneficiary designation, IRA beneficiary designation, or other vehicles like remainder trusts can have a big impact on our work here in the valley. If your estate plans include a gift to the Wood River Land Trust, please let us know so that we can thank you for your generosity, honor your wishes and recognize your impact as part of our Founders Circle
When you decide to leave assets in your will to support the work of Wood River Land Trust, you are making a bequest. This is the most common type of planned gift. For you it may be the most realistic way of making a significant gift to WRLT and will provide you with the satisfaction of making an enduring investment for future generations.
Your bequest may be in any amount you designate. You may leave bequests in specific dollar amounts, in percentages of your estate, or in named assets. Or you may leave a residuary bequest that directs that we receive either everything remaining in your estate or a designated percentage of your estate after all expenses and bequests are satisfied.
The benefits of making a bequest or a similar designation in your revocable living trust include:
Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
You can modify your bequest to address changing circumstances.
Under current tax law, all bequests to Wood River Land Trust are completely exempt from federal estate tax, and therefore, will reduce your estate’s federal tax liability. Since there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable gifts, the savings can be more than half the value of the bequest in a large estate. Accordingly, your heirs may benefit from the tax savings, while the land trust benefits from the full amount of the bequest
The following is sample language that can be used to make a bequest: I give, devise and bequeath to Wood River Land Trust, with its principal offices, at 119 East Bullion Street, Hailey, Idaho 83333, the sum of $__________or_________% of my residuary estate* (or an accurate description of securities, real estate or other property given) for its general purposes without restriction or (to be used for_______. However, if it cannot be used for this purpose, WRLT may use my gift for its general purposes). * You may also make this designation in your revocable living trust.
A life income gift, such as a Charitable Remainder Trust, allows you to set aside assets and have annual payments made to you (or someone else you designate) for life or a period of years, after which time the assets are given to WRLT. Such life income gifts are a good way to provide a stream of income to a family member for a period of years while benefiting WRLT with a significant gift. Since these life income gifts are complex, we advise you to work with your financial and legal advisors to discover the best way for your gift to benefit both WRLT and your financial goals.
Cash gifts are the simplest and most common way to support WRLT. Most “cash” gifts are in the form of a check. You may also make outright gifts by credit card. If you itemize deductions, under current tax law, these donations are generally deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income.
Gifts of securities that you have owned more than a year, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other publicly traded securities, are easily donated. Tax laws make these gifts, which appreciate in value, highly advantageous for you and your heirs. You receive a charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the asset at the date of transfer and avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation. This allows you to make a significant gift at a lower cost compared to donating cash. Naming WRLT as the primary or contingent beneficiary of proceeds from any mutual fund, stock fund, or bond account also reduces estate taxes.
As an accredited land trust, we understand that permanent land protection requires a strong and solvent organization, a robust stewardship program to manage and defend protected lands, and a board of directors that excels at leading the organization. The accreditation seal guarantees you that we have the systems in place to ensure the long-term success of our organization and the permanent protection of the lands we together have protected.
Ready to make a planned gift to the Wood River Land Trust? Let us know your intentions by filling out the Letter of Intent below.

Donor Advised Funds

We welcome your gift from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Our taxpayer identification number is 82-0474191 and our mailing address is 119 E Bullion Street, Hailey, ID 83333
Please email us at philanthropy@woodriverlandtrust.org to ensure you receive recognition for your gift.
Leadership Gifts

Champion A Gift That Is Close To You
Help the Land Trust achieve its mission of protecting land, water and wildlife habitat and inspire others and leave a legacy of conservation with a leadership gift through Wood River Land Trust.
Leadership gifts can be designated for a specific project, or can be used to inspire other gifts by providing a matching incentive.
For more information on how you can support the Wood River Land Trust mission through a leadership gift, contact:
Meg Pulliam, Director of Advancement
meg@woodriverlandtrust.org / (208) 788-3947 (Ext. 123)
Land Donations

Land is important to people for many different reasons, and Wood River Land Trust works with landowners to ensure that their goals are met for the protection of their land. Wood River Land Trust achieves our mission of protecting land, water and wildlife habitat through the generous gifts of land donations.
This sometimes comes in the form of donation of the land, a bargain sale, or permanent conservation easements. There are many tools available to us in the effort to conserve land, so please contact Scott Boettger (sboettger@woodriverlandtrust.org or 208-788-3947) if you are interested in supporting conservation through donation of your land.
Prevent development or ensure responsible development of their land Permanent protection of valuable conservation resources on their land
Make property transfer to their heirs more economical
Realize economic and tax benefits
Saving Limited Resources: Land is a scare resource. Efforts to conserve land lead to better scenic views, cleaner water, wildlife habitat, and more land to enjoy.
Tax Deductions: Qualified donations of land and conservation easements are tax deductible.
Estate Planning: Conservation easements reduce the value of the land proportionally to how restrictive the terms are in the easement making the transfer of land to an heir less complicated. This in turn can reduce the amount of property taxes that are owed on it.
Increases Surrounding Property Values: Protected land has been proven to increase the value of land in surrounding areas.
Encourages Efficient Development: Land protected from development can encourage efficient development in existing areas rather than encouraging sprawl.
A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a landowner and Wood River Land Trust that protects the conservation values of the property. The agreement allows a landowner to continue to own and use their land, and the land can still be passed on to heirs or sold. When a landowner enters into a conservation easement, they voluntarily give up some of the rights associated with owning land.
The terms of the conservation easement are agreed upon in a collaborative process that meets the needs of the landowner and the Land Trust.
For example, the easement on Barbara Farm protects prime farmland and water resources by limiting certain practices and some development rights. This allows the landowners to continue organic farming and ranching, consistent with the terms of the easement designed to protect conservation values.
These limitations are in perpetuity, and future owners are also bound by the easement’s terms. The Land Trust ensures that the terms of the easement are followed.
A landowner may donate a conservation easement to the Land Trust or sell it. If a donation benefits the public and meets other federal tax code requirements, it may qualify as a tax- deductible charitable donation.
Land Donations help Wood River Land Trust achieve our mission in several different ways. Land with high conservation values often become Preserves, where they are managed to protect qualities such as wildlife habitat, open space, or public enjoyment. Developed land or properties with other appropriate uses can be utilized as leverage for other important conservation acquisitions and transactions.
If you are interested in donating your land to further the mission of Wood River Land Trust, please contact us so that we can work with you to discuss our shared vision
If you have land that you would like to protect and donate to Wood River Land Trust, but you need to receive income during your lifetime, consider a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder unitrust. Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder unitrusts are most useful for highly appreciated land, the sale of which would incur high capital gains tax.
In a bargain land sale, a landowner sells property to Wood River Land Trust for less than its fair market value. This process allows Wood River Land Trust to purchase land for protection and restoration that the organization could not otherwise afford.

Join the Richard Carr Society
"Richard had such an enthusiasm for life and a special commitment to our Valley. He was a life-long conservationist who championed the values of the Land Trust — connecting people to the land and conserving our special places. I am thrilled to continue his legacy."
With today’s ever-changing landscape and the need to conserve what matters most, your gift to the Land Trust has renewed importance. Richard Carr, a conservationist and former chair of the Land Trust, knew the importance of taking action to conserve the lands and waters we all love. He also recognized that our community is only as strong as those who care.
With a gift of $5,000 or more, you’ll join a group of conservation leaders who care deeply about saving our Valley’s critical landscapes while there’s still time. As a member of the Richard Carr Society, you will receive invitations to special events and updates focused on the difference you are making.
For more information contact:
Meg Pulliam, Director of Advancement
meg@woodriverlandtrust.org / (208) 788-3947 (Ext. 123)
Memorial Bench Opportunities

Simons/Bauer Preserve
Benches Available (3)
Draper Wood Preserve
Benches Available (3)
Colorado Gulch Preserve
Benches Available (1)
Your contribution goes beyond the cost of the bench itself. It supports the stewardship and preservation of these vital spaces forever. We recommend a $25,000 donation per bench dedication.
Each dedicated bench will feature a customized plaque, allowing you to honor loved ones, celebrate milestones, or commemorate your connection to nature. Your dedication will stand as a symbol of your commitment to conserving our natural environment.
To learn more about this unique naming opportunity or to reserve your bench dedication, please contact Meg Pulliam, Director of Advancement, meg@woodriverlandtrust.org | (208) 788-3947 (Ext. 123)

Join Us As A Sponsor
By sponsoring the Wood River Land Trust, you will play a crucial role in protecting our Valley’s cherished landscapes and life-giving waters. Your brand will benefit from year-round exposure and alignment with our community-centered mission. We invite you to connect with us and explore the various sponsorship opportunities available.
To learn more, please contact Caroline Hughes at (208) 788-3947 or caroline@woodriverlandtrust.org.

Donate via your IRA with a Qualified Charitable Distribution
Donate via Your IRA with a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
If you are 70½ or older, you can donate up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to the Wood River Land Trust as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)—a tax-free gift that supports conservation while satisfying your required minimum distribution (RMD).
How to Make a QCD Gift:
Contact Your IRA Custodian – Request a direct transfer of funds to the Wood River Land Trust.
Provide Our Information –
Payee: Wood River Land Trust
EIN: 82-0474191
Mailing Address: 119 E. Bullion Street | Hailey, Idaho 83333 -
Notify Us – To ensure we acknowledge your gift properly, please inform us at philanthropy@woodriverlandtrust.org