Lower Branch Ranch
Named after the creek that runs through this roadside preserve in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Peach Creek Preserve provides habitat for elk and mule deer, and protects scenic views along the Salmon River Canyon. In a stretch of the Sawtooth Scenic Byway which is known for incredible beauty, protecting this property prevents additional development that could alter the remote feel that visitors currently experience in this part of Idaho.
Expanding over time, Lake Creek Preserve was gifted to Wood River Land Trust in three separate parts over a six-year span. A unique property that contains wetlands, riparian area, and sagebrush-steppe, Lake Creek Preserve is managed for natural and scenic values, as well as public access to the adjacent Bureau of Land Management land to the north and east. Many species of upland birds, ungulates, and wildflowers are observed and enjoyed by various educational groups
Few things match the feeling of coming over Timmerman Hill and catching that first glimpse of the Wood River Valley as you head home. Thanks to the generosity of Valley-resident Lesley Andrus, that gateway to our Valley is now further protected. With the donation of her 84.9-acre property at the northwest corner of Highways 20 and 75 to the Wood River Land Trust, Ms. Andrus makes it possible to conserve the property’s riparian and wildlife habitat and scenic views for the public.