Croesus Creek

Public Access: Trail

Partners: Landowners, Patsy & Mark Nickum

The Croesus Creek conservation easement protects an important corridor for elk and mule deer migration, and wetland areas in Croy Canyon. These 214 acres are part of a larger 420-acre parcel, the remainder of which was will eventually become a 19-lot subdivision.During the planning stages of this easement, the landowners worked with Wood River Land Trust to help determine which portions of the property were most valuable for wildlife habitat and other conservation concerns.After analyzing the land’s wetland, scenic, wildlife, and migration qualities, the Land Trust recommended the areas that should remain undeveloped. The proposed subdivision was subsequently reconfigured to exclude development from these sensitive areas, which are now protected through the conservation easement.  Conserving the open space within the future subdivision will protect conservation values important to both wildlife and people who enjoy the rural character of Croy Canyon.

Croesus Creek
Acres Protected